Migori County’s Jubilee Governor Aspirant Attacked As Clerk Gets Arrested

Dalmas Otieno, a candidate for governor of Migori from the Jubilee Party, reportedly came under attack on Tuesday at the Anindo Primary School voting location in the Awendo sub-county.
Following an alleged attack by a gang of roughly ten youngsters, Mr. Otieno’s bodyguard received head injuries, and the windscreens of two of his vehicles were smashed.
According to Migori County Police Commander Mark Wanjala, who confirmed the event, Mr. Otieno was overseeing the voting process at the polling place when some young people began throwing stones at his cars.
The candidate for governor’s security then reportedly emerged from the car to intervene, but was assaulted and had his gun taken from him, according to Mr. Wanjala.
According to the police chief, officers responded quickly and were able to seize the weapon and its 13 rounds of ammo.
Additionally, he claimed that Mr. Otieno avoided injury during the altercation while his bodyguard had medical attention at Rapcom hospital.
Mr. Wanjala went on to say that some of the suspects have since been identified, and the police are currently pursuing them.
A clerk working at the Kosege polling place was detained elsewhere in the Suna West sub-county after being discovered in possession of five ballots.
The county police chief claimed that the ballots for the governor and woman representative offices had been left on his desk.
He stated that the clerk is currently being held by the police for further inquiries.