“I Love My Woman Older” Govi Opens Up On His Dating Preference
The well-known actor Malik Lemmy, who plays Govi in the Machachari drama series, prefers to date ladies who are older than him.
Govi argues that love does not need one to subscribe to the notion that a guy should date a woman who is younger than him.
Govi, His Younger Sister And His Mother
Govi argues that he loves a “older,” not “old,” girl, despite the fact that one may assume that he is into cougars or the well-known “auntie wa harrier”
“When it comes to love, one choses what they want. You cannot decide for people, people have their preferences.
I have ever been with someone who was 4 years older than me. I think that is my limit, I can’t date 4 years and above, as long as you are on the same path mentally,” Govi told Mpasho.
An elder woman, according to Govi, is one who outlives him by a day, a month, or even a few years.
Why older ladies, though?
Govi claims that when he first entered the theater stage at age 5, it introduced him to a setting full of senior citizens.
“If you grow seeing adults behaving in a certain way, you will tend to want to be like them. Being exposed to adults at a very young age made me see I shouldn’t associate with kids. You tend to be like a grown up.”
The Machachari actor continued by saying that Kenyan culture shouldn’t be so ready to judge people who make choices like his.
He continues by saying that many people still view him as the immature youngster they used to see on the Machachari show and have trouble accepting the fact that he is now a responsible, grown man of 22 years old.