After an alleged attack from her current boyfriend, Eric Omondi  rushed to save his ex-girlfriend Chantal Grazioli.

Nicola Traidi, Chantal Graziola’s boyfriend, was presented in court yesterday. Chantal’s ex, Eric Omondi, brought up the allegation that Traldi had assaulted her a few days prior.

His social media account, which had more than 13,000 followers, had been disabled as of late.

After testifying in court on assault charges, Nicola Traldi deactivates her account.

The comedian criticized the businessman from Malindi on social media.

Chantal was seen in a video posted by Eric hobbling as she left the house to get help.

Traldi defended himself after the accusations, saying he was being set up.

He insisted he had never and would never beat a woman.

“I have been framed for something I would never do, unspeakable. It’s a sad day. I would never lay my hands on a lady, I am a father of 2 daughters,” he said.

“Everyone who knows me knows I am incapable of such a thing. My mum taught me well. The truth shall come out.”

Chantal took to her Instagram account to narrate the assault details.

“While he was assaulting me, he threatened me that he would come back and do it again and there was nothing I would do because he knows the big people.

It is traumatizing and not easy for me physically and emotionally, and neither is it not easy for any form of GBV victims irrespective of who is involved and especially those who cannot come out and speak about it. The majority are helplessly dying in silence. It is very very sad GBV is not taken seriously in this country.”